Server Rules:
By entering the server, you accept the rules!
The Name:
- If possible, please make your first name recognizable.
- Fake names, offensive names, or similar are prohibited!
- Example name: fleXx911 | Dennis or Geranimo | Sven
Other Rules:
→ Violation can result in a kick/ban!
I.) Deliberately disrupting others' conversations - whether through noise, spamming, channel-hopping, or similar actions - is prohibited!
II.) Insulting, bullying, or otherwise negatively standing out may also result in warnings, kicks, or even bans!
III.) Please take control of your headset!
Loud breathing, blowing, constant transmission, noise, cracking, singing, or similar microphone disturbances should be resolved, or you should mute yourself!
Please notify other users of such noises!
IV.) Display pictures:
Uploading pornographic, racist, or otherwise offensive images (avatar, file browser, links, or similar) will be punished!
V.) Begging for admin/moderator or other roles is prohibited.
If you need regular permissions, message an admin your AGE, and then you will receive your server privileges.
VI.) Defying the instructions of an admin
VII.) Using a music bot or playing music constantly, etc. is prohibited!
VIII.) Spreading advertising, whether verbally, through links, images, or other means, is forbidden.
You will be given a permanent channel, please ask a supporter for assistance. (Channel delay 4 weeks)*, Talk Power: 9
After 1920 hours
Talk Power: 10
After 2920 hours
General of the Army
Talk Power: 11
After 6000 hours
VIP Bronze
VIP Bronze
After 12000 hours
VIP Silver
VIP Silver
After 24000 hours
VIP Gold
VIP Gold
*Smaller groups will receive a permanent channel with 3 subchannels. Larger groups will receive a maximum of 3 permanent channels, each with 3 subchannels, or 2 permanent channels, each with 4/5 subchannels, or one permanent channel with 9 subchannels.
You can give yourself the servergroups starting from the rank Second Lieutenant.
You can do this in the ranksystem of the TeamSpeak server you are active on.
To do this, simply change the desired server groups from "off" to "on" and afterwards click on "set groups".
Important: When reinstalling your computer, make sure to save the TeamSpeak identity, otherwise the saved time will be lost and we cannot restore it.
Create a Permanent Channel:
To get a permanent channel, you need to have the rank "Lieutenant General". Once you have this rank, inform a supporter who will then create a channel for you and grant you channel admin rights.
Create a Temporary Channel:
To create a channel that won't be deleted immediately:
Create a new channel, go to Advanced settings and click on the button next to "Delayed Delete". It should display "259200".
This means the channel will be automatically deleted after 3 days.
The TeamSpeak server also has a ticket system that you can easily use by messaging the bot in the Support Channel on the main server with !t followed by your message.
Example: !t Test message
Important: Support for both TeamSpeak servers is only available on the 01. Multigaming TeamSpeak server.
About Us:
The BloodFighters project is a community of players who have come together to play various PC games, exchange ideas, and have fun. Whether you're a casual gamer, hardcore gamer, or even a whole clan, everyone is welcome here.
Both German and English are spoken in our community, with German being the primary language.
What we offer:
We operate several TeamSpeak 3 servers for different games, a large Minecraft server, and we also have substantial technical resources that allow us to quickly provide any required services.
Homepage accounts are only provided to members of the BloodFighters project and selected friends to ensure that only our members and trusted individuals have full access.
Teamspeak 3 server - NOTHING
Homepage, webspace - NOTHING
24/7 assistance from our admins - NOTHING
This is a purely private project that does not pursue or will ever pursue any commercial interests, now or in the future.